Best Quotes About Life and Love With Pictures

Happy quotes about life and love :

1. Learn from the past, live in the present and work for the future.

2. In life, sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.

3. No matter how you fall, getting up is the thing that matters.

4. Do not measure your wealth by the money you have, measure it by those things you have that cannot be exchanged with money.

5. Two days a week on which we shouldn’t worry: yesterday and tomorrow.

6. A smart man would never be angry when standing in front of a mirror.

7. If you want something you never had, you must do something you never did.

8. Wrinkles are hereditary (in reverse). The parents receive it from their children.

9. He who seeks a friend without faults runs out of friends.

10. The victory has many friends; the vanquished, good friends.

11. A good day gives you happiness, a bad day gives you experience.

12. Pride is the only poison that can poison you if you do not swallow it.

13. We all want happiness without pain, but you cannot have a rainbow without a little rain.

14. Talk so that others love to hear you. Listen so that others love to talk.

Forgive and forget may be an easy enough statement to say, but to actually go forth and implement it is no easy task. This is why we bring for you some helpful quotes about life and love that will actually help you in the long run.

15. Asking forgiveness is smart, forgiveness is noble and it is wise….forgive.

16. Not much wealth in the pockets where there is poverty in the heart.

17. Wise men adapt to the world, fools try to change it.

18. The downside to learn from experience is that we never graduate.

19. The biggest flaw of the defects is not being aware of them.

20. Often, destination lies in the way it takes to avoid it.

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