How Long Does It Take For Hair to Grow Back

Are you trying to know how long does it take for hair to grow back? If your answer is yes, then you have came to the right place.

Here, I’ll tell you how fast does hair grow and all basics about hair growth along with the tricks so you can get them with all the length again.

There are several topics like following a healthy diet is one of them to get strong hairs that grow quickly. Another one is reducing the stress; a person who takes no stress has the healthiest hair.

How Long Does It Take For Hair to Grow Back

So let’s get to know how long does it take for hair to grow back through different stages of hair growth and how can you promote your hair growth.

What Is Growth Rate?

I am here talking about human hairs, they seem growing all the time and falling all the time. But it is not like that, hairs grow at a specific rate, so this growth is called a growth rate of hair growth.

For your question how long does it take for hair to grow back, as per the report of Disease Control (CDC) in the U.S., you experience a growth of approx. 0.50 inches which are 1.25 cm per month, I know this is very less, but that’s the normal hair growth rate.

If you calculate this rate for a year, then you find that a human gets approx. 6 inches of hair growth per year.  This growth rate is normal but for those who take stress face less hair growth.

There are elements that influence the hair growth like if your diet is not a balanced one and you face illness, then this growth can be reduced and following a balanced diet and no stress can increase the hair growth.

How Many Types Of Growth Cycles Are There?

There are some cycles or phases in which Hair growth takes place. The first phase is known as the Anagen phase. When your hair takes place for continuously growing, then this phase is the first phase of the Anagen phase.

Another thing on how long does it take for hair to grow back, every hair has its own Anagen phase, that means all the hairs in your head don’t grow at the same pace.

The main growth takes place in the first phase that is Anagen and by following several things; you can increase the growth rate in this phase.

The second phase is known as the Catagen phase, this phase is about the hair follicle in which the follicle gets renewed. That means, in this stage, the blood supply gets stopped for the hair and the hair follicle shrinks and eventually the growth stops.

The last phase is the Telogen phase, in this phase, the rest 10% of hairs come. It is the resting phase, when the hair stops its growth and falls off the scalp, the follicle of your hair takes rest for about three months.

After three months, the follicle goes back to working and to the first phase again and this way the cycle continues to happen.

You can notice your hair fall of about 50 to 100 hairs a day. You don’t go bald because these hairs always follow one of these stages and some of them are in Anagen, some hairs follow Catagen phase, and some of them follow the Telogen phase.

Ethnicity Also Affects the Hair Growth Rate

Ethnicity also matters very much in the hair growth rate, every human follows these three ages for the hair, but the length and growth rate varies according to the ethnicity.

Age is another factor that affects your hair growth, and it decides how much length your hairs can gain.

To know how long does it take for hair to grow back, it is a fact that hair growth in the Asians is the fastest hair growth that is 6.3 inches per year.  After Asian, Caucasian comes as the fastest hair growth that is approx. 5 inches per year. African faces the slowest growth rate that is 4.3 inches per year.

This why ethnicity matters because every land has its own climate, weather and other properties that affect your entire body and that’s why you face different hair growth rates. These factors also determine the hair’s shape and its thickness.

Asian hair seems arranged in a round and cylindrical shape, Caucasian hair strand seems to have a flatter and oval shape. In the same way, African hair strand seems a flatter and more oval look.

It’s Important to Hold Your Hair Ends

Retention is the main thing that everyone should follow than taking care of hair growth rate. If you want your hairs to continue growing, you need to keep the ends of hair strong to promote the hair growth.

If you only take care of the hair growth rate, then no matter how fast it is, your hair won’t grow longer. So you are advised to take care of your growing hairs ends because it makes them grow longer.

Trimming is not the option every time if you want to know how long does it take for hair to grow back faster because it makes you cut the ends, and then you get less hair length.

But if you practice taking care of the end by applying healthy products and taking a healthy diet, then you can make them grow longer, and there is no need to cut or trim them.

So all you need is taking care of the hair ends because they are the oldest part of your hair which you damage daily by using several chemicals and flat irons.

Tricks on How to Make Hair Grow Long Faster

1). Use Conditioner Every Time


To protect the hair ends, you need to condition your hair after each shampoo. Take this as a trick on how long does it take for hair to grow back because Conditioner protects your hairs from getting damaged when you use all the coloring and heating tools.

If you ignore conditioning your hairs, they start getting thin every time you use chemicals and other products for styling purposes.

Conditioner provides the required proteins to the hair shaft and seals the cuticles, so you face fewer damages.

This way, conditioner is a crucial hair product that everyone should use to get healthy and long hairs.

2). Don’t Shampoo Your Hairs Daily

You are on how long does it take for hair to grow back, so you can use conditioner whenever your hairs are wet, but you can do this without using shampoo. Shampoo takes away all the dirt and bad smell from the scalp, but it also takes away the natural oil present on the scalp.

So it is advised not to shampoo your hairs more than twice a week. If you feel that there is no dirt on your scalp and your hairs are wet them, you can condition them so they can get soft and help you while combing.

Always use shampoo very gently and massage your hairs for a few minutes and when you find a good lather, then rinse them to remove all the grime.

3). Take Treatment of Hair Mask Weekly

Hair mask

There are not only these two options- shampoo and conditioner. There are a lot of remedies that you can use at home and hair mask is one of them.

Hair mask always helps your hairs to get soothing, healthy and shiny. There are several types of hair masks that you can use for several purposes.

For example, you need only shine in your hairs, and then use the hair mask that provides shine. If you want to make them strong, then there are different ingredients for this purpose.

You should use the hair ask weekly that are made of natural home remedies. There are several types of hair masks that you can easily find over the internet according to your hair needs.

So just follow these masks as per the instructions and know how long does it take for hair to grow back in just no time?

4). Take Hair Supplements If Needed

Hair Supplements

As your body needs some supplements to function properly, you hairs also need some additional supplements to be strong and healthy.

You can always try some remedies like masks, but you can also take help of some supplements to help your hairs grow longer and increase their lifespan.

You can help yourself with how long does it take for hair to grow back by taking a balanced diet that includes all the vitamin and protein, so your hairs can build up strength and can withstand damage.

5). Always Prefer Loose Braid

loose braid

It is a wise step to follow on how long does it take for hair to grow back. When you use tight braids, they pull the hairs backward and damage the hair follicles. Suppose if a person is pulling your hair, the same thing you feel when doing these tight braids.

Avoid hairstyle that pulls the hair follicles because it makes them weak and does not promote any strong growth.

If you use hair extensions, then you should stop doing that because extensions also pull the hair away and take hairs off the scalp.

6). Minimize Using Heat on Hairs

Everyone now uses hair styling tools like flat irons, hair dryers, curlers, etc. they surely make your hair’s looking attractive and stylish, but they damage your hair follicles.

The heat makes the follicles weak, and you can face hair fall, so minimize the use of these styling tools that promote heat on hair.

7). Brush Hairs Very Gently

Brush Hairs

Your aim is not to pick up hair fall daily just because it happens normally. So take it as a six step and choose a gentle comb that is made for your type of hairs.

Now use it on your scalp like very softly, so the roots don’t get any harm and this way you can reduce the hair breakage and help you with how long does it take for hair to grow back.

Always use a brush with soft bristles and don’t go for the cheap ones. It is good to use some of your money to protect your hair by buying a good quality of hair brush.

8). Get Rid Of Cotton Pillow Cover

satin pillowcase for hair1

When you use a cotton cover on your pillow, it tends to make more damage to your hairs than any other fabric like sateen because it gets very soft with your hairs and prevents them from damage.

9). Don’t Give Your Hairs Towel Trouble

Hairs Towel Trouble

You are curious about how long does it take for hair to grow back because you want your growing back faster.

While allowing all these tips, also take care that do not use a towel over your hairs to tie them up. You don’t realize, but it causes so much damage to the roots and makes them really fragile.

When you get the towel around your hairs, you tie them like really tight, so they all get caught in those threads, and when you unwrap them after hours, you face more breakage.

If wrapping up a towel is a mandatory step for you, then it’s better picking up soft microfiber hair towels instead of regular towels.

Hand Picked Stuff For You:


I hope you understand how long does it take for hair to grow back and other factors about hair growth rate. These tricks here will surely help you to gain the long and luscious hairs. So take your steps now to change your lifestyle and your comb as well and see the increased hair growth rate.

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My self Nagama Ansari, who express our regular thought and daily activity with my blogs hold some primary categories like Tech, Web, Health, Fashion, Foods and Many more.