What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Ex?

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Ex: There are always some feelings inside out heart and mind that keep on popping from time to time. Sometimes it gets so hard to get away from them. These thoughts and feelings are something which are hard to cope up. When we have no one to share these feelings, then we start visualizing about them. We can even visualize them with our eyes open.

With the gradual thinking about them, we even start dreaming about them. Now the question arises that what is the meaning of dreams. And why they happen to occur from time to time.

What are Dreams?

Dreams are the images and visuals that appears to us while we are sleeping. These dreams are the interpretation of our thoughts and feelings which always stays in our mind. They are not a forced function of our mind. They happen to occur because of the involuntary function of the mind.

These dreams can be about anything. It can be related to some religious or mythological issues of the history. They can also be related to our day to day life’s issues too. These dreams can be horrified and terrible too. They can be the reflection of our love life too.

Dreams and Its Aspects:

Dreams are the mirror of your hidden thoughts. These are the thoughts that you have never shared with anyone. These are the thoughts which keep on running in your mind and nerves. These thoughts can be about some unfulfilled desires and wishes. Dreams help in completing these desires by the virtual means.

Some dreams occur only once in a time being. Some there are some dreams which chase you every now and then. These dreams are the thoughts which are stored in our subconscious mind. There is a special meaning of these dreams. But sometimes we are not able to understand these meanings.

This is very important that we should have a complete knowledge of these dreams. These dreams can give us some clues related to our future too. There can be some important message hidden in these dreams. We should never ignore them as they can be really helpful in solving some mysteries. One should never misunderstand them in other sense. It can change the meaning and its outcome completely.

Dreaming about your Ex:

It is a human nature that he always thinks about something which is relevant to his past. No matter how pathetic it was, but he readily agrees to dwell on it. Some bitter memories never leave the heart. Whether it is about our love life or a bitter incident, we keep on thinking about it. This makes it necessary to know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

what does it mean when you dream about your ex

This past experience also includes the bitterness from our ex too. There can be some mutual consent of breaking of the relation. But still it hurts a lot when we think about them. Past relations always leaves a mark whether they end up on a good note or bad.

If you are frequently dreaming about your ex, then there can be hidden message in it. These dreams can be about any situations. But each dream has its own meaning. We should not let these dreams affect our life. We should try to find their meanings as it can help us a lot.

Here we have listed out various dreams related to your ex. We have also provided that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

1). Seeing Your EX in Dreams

Being with your ex again seems next to impossible for some people. And we should also not even try to get them back. It can create lots of havoc in your life. Getting together with your ex means getting back on those fights. So it is the best thing to stay away from those past relations.

But sometimes life does exactly opposite thing to us. Sometimes we start dreaming about our ex. There can be lots and lots of theories attached to it. There can be some of the emotions left in your heart, and that’s why you are dreaming about your ex.

Meaning: These types of dreams have nothing to do with your ex. It does not mean that you really want to get back to your ex. It means that someone is reminding you of your ex. It can mean that your present relationship is reminding you of your previous relationship. This does not mean at all that you are trying to be together with your ex. So you should not be worry about it at all. It is important to know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

2). Getting Romantically Involved With Your EX in Dreams

When life leaves you with no way out then, unexpected thoughts start popping up in your mind. Sometimes you may dream about your ex too. You can dream about getting romantically involved with them. You can dream of hooking up with them too. You can even see yourself getting closer to them physically.

Meaning: This means that you are afraid to start a new relationship. It suggests that you are too afraid to meet new people and forgetting the old one. It means that a feeling of being ditched or betrayed is overpowering you. This is the reason that you are not able to find a new partner for you.

This is the time when you should leave the old roots and move on. It is the time to go with the flow of your life. You should not stay stuck over your ex anymore. And try to know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

3). Being Ignored By Your EX in Dreams

The fear of forming a new relationship after a break up is always tough. Some people fail to interact with new people and make new friends. They always think about the past and take their steps back from a new relationship. This can completely destroy your life as it drags you back to your past.

These problems lead to a new havoc in your life. It gives you a feeling of being ignorant from the world. This leads you towards the bad dreams. You start dreaming that even your ex is ignoring you. You start visualizing yourself getting cornered from your ex. This makes it important to know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: Seeing such dreams give you the inspiration of move on in life. These dreams close all the doors of getting stuck over the past. These dreams symbolize that you should get over with your ex and move on in your life. You should understand the meaning of such dreams. You should understand that keep moving is the only reality of life.

4). Getting into the Arguments with Your EX in Dreams

Sometimes it happens that when you are frustrated, you become irritated with everyone. Everyone is coming across becomes the victim of your anger. You just give out your anger on someone else. This makes you feel so much devastated.

As results even your dreams are full of fights. You may dream of getting into a fight with your ex. You can see yourself arguing with your ex in your dreams. This fight can be a really serious one over the issues of past. So we should try to know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: This can be a serious condition for you. It means that you are facing the same situation which you have faced in the past. This means that your current relationship is just like your past relationship. You are may be getting frustrated from it too.

This is the time when you need to work upon your current relationship. If you do not want to dwell on the mistakes of past then you should improve yourself.

5). Patching Up With Your EX in Dreams

When some drastic changes occur in your life, then you wish to have the old time back. Sometimes the problems of current relationship force you to think about the past relationships. These problems can lead to the break up too.

All these things lead you to thinking about your ex. You even start dreaming about them. Sometimes you even dream of getting back together with your ex. You may see reuniting with your ex in your dreams. This makes it important to know what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: These types of dreams do not mean that you really want to get back to your ex in real life. This can be just a misconception of yours. It may mean that some big change is going to occur in your present relationship. This is the reason many brides dream of their ex just night before their weddings.

6). Missing Your EX in Your Dreams

Love is feeling which cannot be destroyed completely. It always takes the time to heal the wound given by someone you really love a lot. Only love from someone else can heal these wounds. If you stay single after a break up, then it becomes so hard to move on.

You may get dreams of missing them. You can stay strong in your real life. But your dreams say it all on your behalf. So you should try to find out that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: Missing your ex is so common after a break up. If you are dreaming about missing them too then, you are completely into them yet. You are not able to move on from them. The flames of passion and love are still there in you. It can also mean that you miss being in a relationship. This can be totally true as staying single afterwards is so hard.

7). Being Missed By Your EX in Your Dreams

It is always not easy to move on from a previous relationship. Some part of yours always remains in love with them. It becomes too hard especially when you are single after your break up. This can also be possible that your ex is still in love with you but do not want to admit it.

These are the situations which lead to some kind of different dreams. In these dreams, you can see your ex is missing you. And you also like it too. You can also see your ex is caring for you too. but still you should know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: It can symbolize that you are seeking for attention from your Ex. This can also signify that there are still some flames of love burning in your heart. This can suggest that you want them again in your life.

They are missing you, but you are not missing them back. It means that you have completely moved on from them. You do not want to have them back in your life. If they request to come still, you are not going to acknowledge it.

8). Getting Important Advice from Your EX in Dreams

This seems next to impossible for you to talk normally with your ex. especially when you guys had the worst break up ever. But still there are dreams when you are taking advice from your ex. You may look calm enough in these dreams while talking to your ex.

Although this can never happen in your real life but still it has a meaning for you. And you should know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: These types of dreams are hard to occur to you. But still you should not ignore them if they happen to occur to you. These dreams imply that you should not repeat your mistakes. It explains that the mistakes you have done in your past relationship should not be repeated in the current one. So you should know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

9). Seeing the Childhood EX in Dreams

Memories of your childhood keep on flickering upon your eyes from time to time. Everybody has their crushes and relationships in the school time. But they are just for fun. Nobody even pays that much importance to them once they are all grown up.

But sometimes you can dream of your crush or ex from the childhood. This is the relationship that you used to have when you were in school. You can see yourself meeting your ex from childhood in your dreams. So it is required to know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: This dream is an indication of major change in your life. This means that you want that freedom again in your life. You want to live in your youth again. You want to get free from all the burdens of your life. This may also symbolize that you want to have a break from your current relationship too. This means that you are desperate to get back to your excitement very soon.

10). Seeing Your Partner’s EX in Dreams

Two people can never be same. They always have different choices and aspirations for life. Sometimes these differences lead to a serious fight in a relationship. The result is dragging the ex of your partner in the scenario. And sometimes things can be seriously worst than ever.

These fights lead you to dreaming about the ex of your partner. Yes, it sound very much irritating, but this is quite normal to happen. You may see yourself getting into an argument with your partner’s ex. So you should dig into what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: These dreams can sound stupid to you, but they reveal a lot about your current mind state. It indicates us that you are comparing yourself from the ex of your partner. This is as awful as it sounds. You should stop doing that right now to keep your relationship healthy and steady.

11). Meeting your EX’s Family in Dreams

When you are in a relationship, then it is natural to interact with each other’s family too. You people hang out with each other’s friends sometimes. But when you break up these people also break up with you. But they leave their imprints somewhere in your mind.

That is why you may also dream of your ex’s family sometimes. You can dream of your ex’s mother coming into your dream. You may also visualize some other person from his/her life in your dreams. This makes it necessary to know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: If their belongings are not leaving your hands, then it is the bad news for you. It means that you are not able to deal with this breakup. You may stay strong from the outside but you are broken inside. You really need your friends at this time to support you thoroughly. This break up is breaking your heart and soul at the same time. So you need to move on as soon as possible.

12). Seeing your EX is Sick in Dreams

If you see someone ill then you obviously help them and nurse them. This person can be your family member or friends too. But what about falling ill of your ex and nobody is there to take care of them.

You may dream sometime of your ex is sick. You can also visualize yourself nursing them in their rough time. You can also simply dream of their falling ill and resting on the bed. Still you should know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: If you see yourself nursing your ex in the dreams then it can be something serious for you. It signifies that you are still not over with your ex. This also indicates that you still love them a lot and not able to forget them. This means that you need to move on in your life. Probably this is the time for a new relationship to move on from the past one.

13). Seeing Your EX is dying in your Dreams

It is impossible to bear someone’s death. The person can be someone very much close to you. But what if you dream about your ex is dying? It is also painful as they were very close to you at a time in your life. It is not necessary that you do not like to talk to them now. But it is very much painful to see them dying in your dreams. So try to find out that what does it mean when you dream about your ex.

Meaning: For a new start, it is always necessary to let go off your past. You should completely erase all the memories of past for a better future. This can lead to a great phase of your life.

This is what this dream is trying to tell you. It means that you would have to let go your past for a new relationship. You should completely devote yourself to this new phase of your life. If you cannot move on from the past, then you can never have a bright future with someone else.

14). Getting Rejected by the EX in Dreams

After a break up with your love, it becomes too hard to love again. You are always in love with your Ex until you get into a new relationship. Even after that, some part of yours still loves your ex. This is the reason you start dreaming about them frequently.

You may dream of proposing your ex once again. And they are rejecting you in your dreams. You may see yourself getting depressed afterwards in your dreams. So you should know that what does it mean when you dream about your ex

Meaning: This means that some part of yours is still in love with your ex. It may also show your anxiety for a new relationship. May be you are too afraid to propose someone because of the past.

This is also symbolizing that you should not dwell upon your past. The mistakes of your past should not be repeated. That is why this dream is warning you.

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Nagama Ansari
My self Nagama Ansari, who express our regular thought and daily activity with my blogs crazyask.com. Crazyask.com hold some primary categories like Tech, Web, Health, Fashion, Foods and Many more.